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Happy Thanksgiving

chicken-48x48.pngI know it's a day late but my in-law's internet was down last night so I couldn't post.

No, I was so fucking tired yesterday. I worked twice Wednesday then drove six hours to Pennsylvania. We arrived here around seven in the morning when everyone was getting up. I tried lying down because I needed some form of sleep but barely got 3 hours in. Since everyone was waking up that meant people opening and closing doors, music playing, in-laws coming over, pots and pans banging, and so much more. Not to mention the room we are in doesn't have blinds so the freshly awoken sun was singing into my eyelids. Regardless, it was really good to see and hang out with everyone. It turned out to be really fun.

Anyway we gotta jet right now to do some family things, I will be back with more.


Check it

exclamation.pngMembers check the wishlist, reply accordingly. Add ideas to it if you have some.

Obama Did Drugs...

marijuana-joint.jpgA real reason to vote for someone. Obama openly admits to doing drugs. Awesome quote from Giuliani, ""If we haven't made mistakes, don't vote for us."


Breakfast of Champions

WoW-Burning-crusade-256x256.png1 12oz can Diet Coke

A pinch of Cope between your gums



I need a new career. Since leaving the hospital in Portsmouth six months ago I have worked a total of 40 hours. I don't sleep, I don't watch t.v., I just drink my coke and play WoW. Not that I am any good at it or have gotten in to a terribly competitive raid guild, but rather run around and gather and sell things. I have been lvl 67 for four months now. I like anal sex but it hurts my girlfriend, so I never finish. The End. 


Use the force!

network-48x48.pngUrg! I am so not on my game tonight! Anyway Thanksgiving is coming up and I got hooooooooked up! Since I work the graveyard shift this is my last night working and the work load doesn't seem that bad right now so I brought my 360, haha. We'll see if I get the time to play it, the best times are between 1am and 4am because 4am is when the doctors start coming in and requesting all sorts of crap.

Lauren and I are heading up to Pennsylvania tomorrow evening to spend Thanksgiving with her Aunt and family, shit's gonna be so fun. These ladies are a blast, I swear they had to have been hippies back in the day. 


my dad got me a poodle

Holy%20Sh%20t.pngOk so check it out.  On returning from a deployment from iraq as a present for a homecoming my father doesnt even think to ask if he thought it would be cool.  so we are in formation marching back to the parade deck, company first seargent dismisses us and I go to find my family.  guess what I come home to, a fucking poodle in my dads jacket.  looked like a fucking puff ball rat.  Thanks dad.



Some%20people%20say%20cucumbers%20taste%20better%20pickled..pngI'm listening to NiN - Ruiner right now and it's bringing back so many memories. Back at Brandon and Jeremy's with Francis, Cameron, Travez, Chris, and everyone else. It's funny how much shit runs through your head when just one song comes on. LoL Starcraft and Diablo II. Good times.