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New Media

Waterolor%20Brush.pngThe media section has been updated! I added a few pieces of my art in there. I hope to add more as time goes on.


Night Shift's

Are extremely boring. I left my "lunch" in the car on accident and it's not like I can just go out there or anything. I have to put on a lab coat, which I don't think you can't even wear in the parking garage, or I have to spend the 10 minutes to change into my clothes and run out there. Changing is too risky because if I get a page to go to a room or something comes up and I'm out getting my lunch... I will be royally kicked in the ass for it. Damnit I'm stuck.


The Orange Box

orange.jpgThe Orange Box is a collaboration of Valve games featuring Half-Life 2 Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress Classic 2 to name a few and for what it's worth it's a bundle worth it's price. Now as far as I can say where the replay value stands is determined by the user but to me once I finish a Half-Life single player campaign there isn't much anticipation to go back and do it again, same back in the Half-Life 1 days, same now. Episode 2 was enjoyable, though very short. There were some surprises but the typical surprises stayed the same. The surprises like once you get into a salvaged car, that runs, the driving from point A to point B is interrupted constantly. The Hunters proved a challenging foe and in mass are devastating, the last level. The story moves on as Alex whispers into the black screen after a certain incident occurs.

It lasted me about a good three to four hours to play through Episode 2. You can imagine going through a 20 hour game like Bioshock that four was nothing AND surprising none-the-less. In all it worked well on the Xbox 360, uhm no glitches really and it offered a great physic's engine. The only thing that really caught me off guard was that sometimes Alex would be explaining a situation only to be cut off by the loading screen and when the next area loaded she would've skipped ahead in her dialoge rather than starting off back at what she was in the middle of saying in her previously interrupted dialogue. 

Portal is very interesting and I only tasted a bit of it so far but from what I have experienced Valve has something mischeviously planned in their future with this "Portal" engine. It is a very intriguing experiment.

Team Fortress Classic 2 looks great, I love how artsy it is. It gives off a cartoonish atmosphere with a grunge feel. So far I only played as the Heavy Gunner in one match and ripped people to shreds with the minigun. I don't know if heavy gunner's don't carry grenades or what but I couldn't figure out how to throw them. Overall it was a fun 'king of the hill' map I played. I will delve more into this topic the more I play this. I mostly focused on Episode 2. 


The Lighter and the Bonfire

Bomb.pngMy mom and I were just talking and she reminded me of a time I was at one of Vince's barbecues. By the way I loved Vince's BBQ's, they were pretty chill and normally it was all of the group that came. Anyway, my mom was telling me a story about when she was a kid and a friend of her's Christmas tree burned down because they got it too early and it dried out so when they flipped on the lights Christmas morning the branch caught on fire and burned their whole house down. She said the only thing left standing was the fireplace and a toilet. Anyway it made me reminisce of the time at the BBQ where I looked to John and thought of the brilliant idea to take someone's lighter and toss it into the bonfire we had. Well I remember grabbing the blue lighter, getting up from the brick seat, walking over to the fire, and throwing it so hard into the deep set of burning wood. For a second I felt it was going to explode any moment so as anyone would do, I hope, I backed up quickly and awaited the extravagant explosion. A minute passed... "Hmmmmm," I pondered.

"Did  I ACTUALLY throw it into the pit?"

I can't remember who was next to me but we both crept over to the stone pit and peeked our head's over to spot the location of the blue lighter. At this scouting moment we appeared to be extremely startled when the rush of heat, that singed our hair and eyebrows, engulfed our entire upper torso. Ah there it was, it was sitting in there the whole time. It just waited for us to peek our nosy heads over to see where it was.

Lesson? Well next time I decide to do this, throw a lighter into a bonfire, I will be patient till the explosion occurs. 



10m.jpgWell I didn't expect to see this movie tonight but my wife told me about it and showed me the previews and I said "eh what the hell?"

This ended up being one of the best movies I have seen. The twists literally fuck with your emotions and Hayden Christenson proved himself a worthy actor. At first he gave an okay performance but I soon realized he saved it till mid-movie. This is one of those movies that goes by so fast you don't even realize it, I didn't want it to end. I'm normally not like that but in this case, wow. Great job on this movie, go see it!

"In "Awake," a psychological thriller that tells the story of a man (Christensen) undergoing heart surgery while experiencing a phenomenon called "anesthetic awareness," which leaves him awake but paralyzed throughout the operation. As various obstacles present themselves, his wife (Alba) must make life-altering decisions while wrestling with her own personal drama." -Written by Unknown from

Rating: rate_1.pngrate_1.pngrate_1.pngrate_1.pngrate_1.png


Easy break-in's?

I discovered tonight that there is a "wikiHow" which is a how-to site. Basically you can search or surf how-to links that give you indepth steps to solve your "problems". This particular link is how to pick a lock...

Don't you feel so secure in your little houses now? 


Mr. Brooks... the movie?

Memories are so weird. It's like all your senses work when you think about something so fond. For instance I can remember how things smelled at the house I grew up in. I can remember the bubble lights on my aunt's Christmas tree. I can remember the sounds of everyone moving, all the life.

It seems as time went on, I became someone else who dwells on what was then and not now. For some reason it's hard for me to make something out of everything right now. I did get married recently and I love my wife with all I got and we are extremely happy, that's not the problem. I just wonder if the fondness I have for my memories will exist in present day life or is it going to only happen when everything is torn from me? Is that when I will look back at this point in time and remember the smells?

Anyway, haha, as you can tell I may be going through that phase of "why are we here?" I am pretty fucking normal I think but a part of me believes I will find an answer to all my questions soon. At least I hope.

Have YOU seen the movie Mr. Brooks? It's a very in-depth murder-influenced movie that is very creepy. It stars Kevin Costner, Demi Moore, William Hurt, and Dane Cook. Mr. Brooks (Costner) is addicted to murdering people and is extremely good at covering it up, in fact he has never been discovered but has been dubbed "The Thumbprint Killer" in all the newspapers.He did leave his killing days behind him for two years until his alter ego, Marshall (Hurt), somhow convinces him to go out and do one last one. Easily convinced, Mr. Brooks murders again but this time leaves the curtains open in the midst of his homocide and is confronted the next day by a man named Mr. Smith (Cook). Mr. Smith is an amateur photographer with photo's to finally put the thumbprint killer away. Instead he discovers he had a rush on watching the killing and asked Mr. Brooks if he could join his next session.

It gets more interesting as time goes on. It's a disturbing movie because you are forced to side with the murderer and the acting is so convincing. I recommend this movie to anyone.