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Losing it!

I really hate when lazy people make rank or are already of a higher rank, ESPECIALLY on deployment. We are here to get a job done and everyone should be busting their asses to complete the mission, if not the overall then the daily mission. All three of our staff share the same responsibilities and this tool thinks he is untouchable. Dude you are one rank above me and I don't play these games, get your ass up and work.

This isn't even my fricken job I come to work, of course I am lazy and tired at times, and I try to earn my paycheck everyday. I bust my ass even though I could fight to get into another department any time I want. This is his fricken job and he takes advantage of my motivation. I kid you not, I have completed about 90% of the work that has been done since I have started in the CQ and this dude tries to sit me down the other day and explain to me how I am a dirt bag.

What? Yea.... he TRIED. I wasn't having that, I don't give a f*ck if you are a higher rank, EVERYONE knows what I do and how I work. I waited until he was done explaining then once he was done I sat my plate down, lunch, and I took a seat, stared at him right in the eyes and said:

First of all, I think you are talking about yourself and not me. I f*ckin' bust my ass here and everyone knows it. Secondly I haven't seen you lift a finger for this department since I have worked here. I have busted my ass and I mean blood and sweat busted my ass and I don't even have to... I DON'T EVEN HAVE TO. This isn't my job but I have integrity so you can take all this bullshit you are trying to justify and shove it up your ass. I don't f*cking appreciate your accusations and the way I work is accompanied with a purpose. Granted we don't need two people to do our job but the only reason why I take another with me is so they can watch supplies and what not while I complete other tasks. (We use a truck to pick up mail and do laundry and pick up supplies and so on and so forth) You can't trust any of these mother f*ckers on base so I don't want anything to get stolen. Don't flatter yourself dude I don't need you f*ckers with me, I can run this place on my own... that means without you. You are useless to me.

There were some more words but I can assure you that what ever was said that I was in the right. I may have been emotional but he had nothing to say to me when I was done. Normally I don't get that angry but when I have shitty worker trying to explain to an amazing worker that I am a dirt bag, that is when I lose it.

Reader Comments (1)

I'm glad you put him in his place!! Good for you! Love you :)

February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLauren Czajkowski

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