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Well I didn't get to skype Madison's bath yesterday but I did get to skype with mommy and Maddy for a good 25 minutes! It's okay though, it's not her only bath and mom is very busy and very tired -- which by the way she is doing an amazing job with everything. This morning I got to hear Madison while she was drinking her bottle making those cute noises. Poor girl has been a bit fussy lately.

In other news, the stress level for everyone on deployment has risen to the next level... I think we hit that plateau of adjustment and the time period where we only have half of the deployment left so anxiety is irratiating from peoples' auras.


My co worker just told me one of the officers here claimed that he hit him last night... That is hilarious. First off this officer is a dick, one of the biggest smart asses I have ever interacted with. With these attractive traits of his he is also a nurse... a profession he believes comes before god himself. So with his almighty facade and red carpet he believes the world should be bending over backwards to make due with his needs, not the needs of the Navy, no that's far to petty, but the needs to him and his self only. What doesn't surprised me is that since my co-worker got into a debate with him last night over mail hours and got fed up with his shit while closing the door on him, he goes to our chief and complains that he was assaulted but didn't want to press charges... .... let's say that again... he was assaulted but didn't want to press charges. First of all if I was assaulted, you best believe I am pressing charges ESPECIALLY on deployment so good on ya chief for seeing right through that one. Secondly this officer is already known for giving people trouble around base... like to the point where he has been talked to several times already so once again good on ya chief for seeing right through another one. What is even more hilarious is that my co-worker had to make a statement while having to give up his weapon in the hands of lawful justice in any case he may go crazy and assault people on base. Give me a break.

I have another story about this officer... sorry, I meant to say god...

I will share that story another time. Goooo NAVY!

Reader Comments (1)

Hahaha tnis is a funny post...I can't believe that officer, CRAZY. Anyway in about an hour we will be skyping for her bath!! Love you papa!!

January 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLauren Czajkowski

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