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Crossfit anyone?

In the midst of my relaxing hours off of work, I ponder about how I should start my workout routines. I tried Mens Workout Guide and it was awesome, it was great to have a schedule to follow, made things much easier. Then I tried to adlib it and just go when I felt like it... worked out hard but seldomly made it to the gym because I am the type of guy who needs a schedule, to feel like someone/something is telling me to get off my lazy ass, I'm sure others can relate.

My room mate is a beast, by the way. He's like 5'10" and 230lbs of pure muscle, like the type of dude who works up a sweat by trying to wipe his ass after taking a dump, or that guy who gets stuck in a doorway, or the one who gives you directions to the beach or the gun show, or ... well you know what I mean. We call him Smiles; big black dude, whenever he is talking or doing anything involving the least amount of facial expression it's always with a gleaming wide smile and squinty eyes, even when he is just talking... good ol' Smiles. He's like one of those guys you remember, like Bubba from Forrest Gump, except the Hulk version of Bubba. 'You! You steal Bubba's shrimp? Bubba SMASH!'

Anyway, Smiles doesn't seem to work out religiously so I asked about his routine one time and boy was I in for a ride. Most people would just say 'Ya bro, I do a Crossfit routine' but asking Smiles a question is like striking a conversation about video game physics engines to an expert nerd -- I got it all, even if I just wanted to short version, like... the trimmed down version, you know... the 'Ya bro, I do a Crossfit routine.' I mean it's great to aspire to a new and better you but all I need to know is what you do... routine wise... It's like I opened a can of worms under the empty stomach of a hovering canary.

So he finds it necessary to explain to me the reasons why he does Crossfit, which is cool. Some explainations just boggles your mind and it's almost like you have to refrain from laughing. Really sweet and nice guy, not saying anything bad about him BUT I will give an example of what I am talking about:

"Hey Smiles, what do you do? You know workout-wise."

"Oh Ski, many things people don't understand is that when you workout it should be a mind, body and soul exercise. Most people go to the gym for two hours and I don't find it necessary because it's only for the physical aspect, you know what I am saying?"


"It's like, Crossfit is amazing because it works out everything, and I mean f*ckin everything dude. You know you have aerobic and anaerobic properties when you work out?"

"I know about aerobic and anaerobic bacteria --"

"It's makes you stronger dude... mentally and physically. I mean you want to be stronger, everyone wants to be stronger, it's just in our blood. Yea I see where you are going Ski, I mean I am just like you, you are motivated, you have your head on your shoulders, you love your wife, it's amazing, what else do you need, you know?"

"Of course, I just --"

"Love is so hard to come by now a days Ski... it's almost like a take it or leave it situation. Divorce rates are high and girls are so f*cking stupid man, especially the ones here on deployment... like f*cking dumb dude! You need a woman who has her head on her shoulders and know what's right from wrong. You know what I am saying Ski?"

And this could go on for hours. I think counting fingers was involved in the conversation as well but you understand what I mean? A simple example of a workout would have been nice but it also was a nice conversation... a one-sided conversation but if that helped him get through his day then cool, glad I could be a listener.

So, back to the main story, it took me a good 3 - 4 weeks to finally get a routine to do... no joke. I started about 2 days ago and am incredibley sore. Crossfit is designed for intensity while targetting key muscle groups. An example of what I do is:

  • 5 Pull-Ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 15 Squats

Sounds easy huh? Well the catch is I only have 45 seconds to rest between sets and I do as many sets in 20 minutes as I can. The first night I did it, 2 nights ago, I nearly passed out -- shows how much endurance I lost...

Anyway I plan on extending the workout eventually... and thats pretty much it.

I gotta jet right now, my buddy wants me to drive him to the barracks so he can pinch one off.

Reader Comments (1)

Haha...Smiles! He sounds nice! :) I am gonna need some crossfit in my life soon LOL As soon as I pop this baby out and heal then its time to EXCERSIZE!!!!!! Mwah!! Love you! I am SO glad you love your cookies!!!!! :)

December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLauren Czajkowski

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